Blog |Delice Consulting Cabinet de conseil IT et Data

Another Way To Get The SQL Generated By Power BI DirectQuery Mode

If you’re performance tuning a DirectQuery mode semantic model in Power BI, one of the first things you’ll want to do is look at the SQL that Power BI is generating. That’s easy if you have permissions to monitor your source database but if you don’t, it can be quite difficult to do so from … Continue reading Another Way To Get The SQL Generated By Power BI DirectQuery Mode

Exploring Advanced Relationship Properties In Power BI Copilot

I’ve been playing around with Power BI Copilot a lot recently, and following on from my recent posts on tuning Copilot by editing the Linguistic Schema and setting the Row Label and Key Column properties in this post I want to delve into some of the advanced properties of relationships. I won’t pretend to understand … Continue reading Exploring Advanced Relationship Properties In Power BI Copilot

Finding Power BI Semantic Model Refresh Operations In Gateway Logs

The logs for your on-premises data gateway contain a lot of information that is useful for troubleshooting and performance tuning. The contents of the logs are documented here and there a several great solutions out there for reporting on their contents: there’s a Microsoft-provided template and Rui Romano’s more sophisticated monitoring solution here (there’s also … Continue reading Finding Power BI Semantic Model Refresh Operations In Gateway Logs

Which Columns Are Loaded Into Memory When In Power BI Direct Lake Mode?

As you probably know, in Power BI Direct Lake mode column data is only loaded into memory when it is needed by a query. I gave a few examples of this – and how to monitor it using DMVs – in this blog post from last year. But which columns are loaded into memory in … Continue reading Which Columns Are Loaded Into Memory When In Power BI Direct Lake Mode?

Monitoring The Opening Of DirectQuery Connections In Power BI

In the past I have blogged about how important the number of connections from a Power BI DirectQuery semantic model to a data source is for performance. It’s also true that in some cases opening a connection, or some of the operations associated with opening a connection, can be very slow. As a result it … Continue reading Monitoring The Opening Of DirectQuery Connections In Power BI

Power BI DirectQuery, Gateways And SQL Queries That Return Lots Of Rows

Recently I was working with a customer using DirectQuery mode and where all traffic to the data source had to go through an on-premises data gateway for security reasons. They noticed that report performance got worse when traffic went through the gateway and this was particularly true when Power BI generated SQL queries that returned … Continue reading Power BI DirectQuery, Gateways And SQL Queries That Return Lots Of Rows

Power BI Refresh, Memory Usage And Semantic Model Scale Out

In my recent posts on the Command Memory Limit error and the partialBatch mode for Power BI semantic model refresh, I mentioned that one way to avoid memory errors when refreshing large semantic models was to run use refresh type clearValues followed by a full refresh – but that the downside of doing this was … Continue reading Power BI Refresh, Memory Usage And Semantic Model Scale Out

SQLBits Power BI/Fabric Session Recordings Now Available

One of the great things about the SQLBits conference in the UK is the way that all the session recordings are made available for for anyone to view for free on their YouTube channel. All the recordings from the 2024 conference have now been posted and it’s a goldmine for anyone who wants to deepen … Continue reading SQLBits Power BI/Fabric Session Recordings Now Available