Monitoring The Opening Of DirectQuery Connections In Power BI

In the past I have blogged about how important the number of connections from a Power BI DirectQuery semantic model to a data source is for performance. It’s also true that in some cases opening a connection, or some of the operations associated with opening a connection, can be very slow. As a result it can be useful to see when your semantic model opens connections to a data source, and you can do this with Log Analytics.

To show this I published a DirectQuery semantic model to a workspace with Log Analytics enabled and opened a report with one table visual on it. Because the model and report had only just been published I could be sure there were no existing connections back to the data source used by the DirectQuery model. I then ran the following KQL query:

| where TimeGenerated>ago(1hr)
| where OperationName in ('Notification', 'QueryBegin', 'QueryEnd', 'DirectQueryBegin', 'DirectQueryEnd')
| project TimeGenerated, OperationName, OperationDetailName, EventText, DurationMs
| order by TimeGenerated asc

Here’s the output:

Some things to note:

  • I have highlighted in red the events of type Notification and subtype OpenedConnection. These events are fired when the semantic model opens connections back to the data source. There are three of these events so three connections are being opened.
  • There is one DAX query generated for the single visual on the report page. As you would expect there is a single pair of QueryBegin/QueryEnd events.
  • After the QueryBegin event there are two DirectQueryBegin/DirectQueryEnd events, which mean that for this DAX query Power BI ran two SQL queries against the source.
  • Immediately before these two DirectQueryBegin/DirectQueryEnd pairs, and after the QueryBegin event, there are two Notification events which indicate that two connections are being opened to run these queries.
  • Before the DAX query runs, another connection is opened and there is a DirectQueryBegin/DirectQueryEnd pair that is not associated with a DAX query that I have highlighted in blue. The EventText column contains M code rather than SQL code, and a look at this M code shows that it uses the DirectQueryCapabilities.From function which is marked for “internal use only” in the docs. The DirectQueryEnd event from this pair has a duration of 3 seconds which shows that in this case it’s quite expensive. This query is the Power Query engine understanding the DirectQuery capabilities of the source and one of the side effects of this is that it needs to read metadata from the source, which can be quite slow sometimes. Doing things like disabling relationship columns in the connector and, for some sources like Snowflake, connecting with an identity or with a security role that can only see the tables or views used by the model (as mentioned here), can make this a lot faster.

For some reason the Notification events associated with opening connections do not appear in Profiler traces run on models in the Service, although they do appear if you run a trace on a model in Power BI Desktop. This is why I’ve used Log Analytics here.

Power BI pools connections once they are opened and keeps them alive for a certain amount of time and it also caches data source metadata after it has retrieved it, so as a result you may not see the events I have highlighted here when you run a report.

[Thanks to Curt Hagenlocher and Akshai Mirchandani for some of the information in this post]

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