SQLBits Power BI/Fabric Session Recordings Now Available

One of the great things about the SQLBits conference in the UK is the way that all the session recordings are made available for for anyone to view for free on their YouTube channel. All the recordings from the 2024 conference have now been posted and it’s a goldmine for anyone who wants to deepen their Power BI or Fabric knowledge.

Here are the recordings for my three sessions:

Fabric Direct Lake Deep Dive

What’s new in Power Query in Power BI, Fabric and Excel?

Connect Excel to Power BI data with Live Connected Tables

There are so many other great sessions that it’s hard to pick out any highlights, but there are two that you might easily miss which I think are ones you should watch.

First, this session on DAX fusion by my colleague Phil Seamark is one I learned a lot from. It sounds like an obscure topic but it’s extremely important for anyone trying to optimise their measures (including for DirectQuery models):

Second, this session by another colleague of mine, Kasper de Jonge, on how security works with Fabric – not just data security but security of the platform as a whole – is a must-watch because so many of the assumptions people have are not relevant for a SaaS platform like Fabric:

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